June 12, 2017

Sleep Apnea Therapy In Richardson WITHOUT CPAP

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_stampe @ 1:52 pm

Snoring – while this sleep habit may make you giggle, it’s nothing to take lightly. Learn how sleep apnea therapy in Richardson can reduce your risk for heart attacks and strokes. Did you know anywhere from 30-50 million people snore at some point in their lives? While this common trait can often be the subject of joking and teasing, this actually shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s actually a tell-tale sign of sleep apnea, the second-most prevalent nocturnal disorder aside from insomnia. This condition, if left untreated, can dramatically increase your risk for heart attack, stroke, and even sudden death while you sleep. But luckily, the team at City Line Dental Center can help with sleep apnea therapy in Richardson – without the use of an uncomfortable, cumbersome, and embarrassing CPAP machine.

Why Do People Snore?

As your trusted dentist in Richardson, Dr. Melody Stampe explains that snoring happens when there is an obstruction to your airway while you sleep. When you rest, the soft tissues in your mouth, along with your jaw often move back against the throat – these parts of your oral cavity vibrate and make contact with each other when you breathe in and out, making the noise we know as snoring.

In sleep apnea, people stop breathing in between spurts of snoring and this pausing or lack of breathing can happen hundreds of times a night. When this happens, your blood pressure increases and your heartbeat can rise and become irregular – leaving you at risk for a slew of serious health problems when this sleep disorder is left unchecked.

What Other Signs & Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea Are There?

Although snoring is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea, you don’t have to be a noisy sleeper to suffer from sleep apnea. Other signs include:
• Gaps or elongated pauses in breathing when you sleep – usually noticed by your partner.
• Waking up gasping for air.
• Waking up with an asthma attack.
• Waking up to urinate – this happens since the body tries to reduce your elevated blood pressure by removing fluids in the body through using the restroom.
• Morning headaches and migraines.
• Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue, even after sleeping 8 or more hours.
• Sleepiness while driving.
• Craving carbs and sweets for energy.
• Depression, irritability, forgetfulness, and trouble concentrating.
• Sexual dysfunction or lack of sex drive, in both men and women.
• Snorting and snoring while asleep.

How Can My Dentist Help With Sleep Apnea?

If the symptoms above sound familiar,  take this sleep apnea quiz and follow up with Dr. Stampe. She can help by using Custom Oral Appliance Therapy (COAT). Although this might seem complicated, this simply means she’ll use a comfortable snoreguard that you’ll wear only when you sleep. This guard will gently move your lower jaw and tongue away from the back of your throat, eliminating snoring and allowing you to breathe easily while you rest. COAT is incredibly effective – it works well for about 80% of patients and can be used to augment – or even completely eliminate – CPAP treatment.

So, if you’re ready to start sleeping like a baby again, schedule your appointment with City Line Dental Center today!

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