August 26, 2017

Your Children’s Dentist Gives Tips to Keep Your Kids Smiling

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_stampe @ 6:45 pm

smiling children looking downardThere are few things as precious as a child’s smile, whether it’s a mischievous smirk, a loving grin, or the huge smile that accompanies a fit of giggles. You love to see your little ones happy — but even more so, you love it when they’re healthy. Oral healthcare is an important part of making sure your children are sound from toe to tip. Your children’s dentist in Richardson is here to offer tips on how you can make sure your babies have beautiful, healthy smiles.

Start Early

Some parents neglect caring for their children’s teeth like they should because baby teeth eventually fall out anyway. Don’t fall into that trap! Even though baby teeth might be the only ones that are visible, your little one’s permanent teeth are developing beneath the surface. Furthermore, you want your child to be free of painful toothaches while they’re waiting for their grown-up pearly whites.

Even before you see any teeth, wipe down your little one’s gums with a soft cloth every day. As soon as your baby’s first tooth arrives, start a routine of brushing daily. Also, be sure to schedule their first appointment with your family dentist in Richardson.

Make Oral Hygiene Fun

Some children resist brushing and flossing because they see it as a boring waste of time. It’s your job as a parent to foster enthusiasm for oral hygiene in your little ones. When your children are very young, it will be your job to brush their teeth. Be sure to use proper technique (be gentle, hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to the teeth, and make sure to get all sides of the teeth), but do so with a smile. You might sing a song or make up a story to make brushing more of an adventure.

Don’t forget flossing, either. This should start when your child has two touching teeth. Using a fun-flavored floss in a bright package can make this part of the routine less of a chore.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

Your entire family should visit the dentist once every six months. If you go less often than this, your children might begin to dread their appointments. This is because the longer you wait between visits, the more likely it is that your child will develop cavities and have to get fillings. They may come to associate dental visits with discomfort.

Strive to have a positive attitude about your own dental visits; your example can be a powerful teaching tool for your young ones.

After everyone in your family gets their teeth cleaned, why not go out for an oral health-friendly treat? You could spend an afternoon at the park or see a movie.

The things you teach and show your children about oral health will serve them well for a lifetime, so start early and make it fun!

About the Dentist

Dr. Melody Stampe is an experienced dentist who is proud to provide preventive and general dentistry services for the whole family. If you have questions or concerns about your children’s oral health, contact Dr. Stampe’s team at CityLine Dental at 972-231-9499.

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